Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy(LIBS)
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) generates a plasma by ablating the surface of a material with a laser. When different materials are excited to form plasmas, they emit characteristic spectral lines. By analyzing the spectrum of the plasma, information about the composition, content, and thickness of the material surface can be obtained. The technology is non-contact, minimally destructive, allows for rapid in-situ remote analysis, and enables simultaneous online monitoring of multiple elements.

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy(LIBS)

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) generates a plasma by ablating the surface of a material with a laser. When different materials are excited to form plasmas, they emit characteristic spectral lines. By analyzing the spectrum of the plasma, information about the composition, content, and thickness of the material surface can be obtained. The technology is non-contact, minimally destructive, allows for rapid in-situ remote analysis, and enables simultaneous online monitoring of multiple elements.
Ion Doppler Spectroscopy(IDS)
Ion Doppler Spectroscopy (IDS) is a method for diagnosing ion temperatures in plasmas that does not rely on beam injection. In a plasma, characteristic spectral lines produced by electron transitions in excited states of specific ions exhibit a certain thermal broadening (Doppler broadening). By measuring the Doppler broadening and frequency shift of ion characteristic spectral lines, analysis of ion temperature and flow velocity can be achieved. The IDS diagnostic and automated data analysis system developed by Startorus Fusion can achieve measurements of plasma temperature distribution and flow velocity distribution without beam injection, providing centimeter-level spatial resolution and millisecond-level time resolution.

Ion Doppler Spectroscopy(IDS)

Ion Doppler Spectroscopy (IDS) is a method for diagnosing ion temperatures in plasmas that does not rely on beam injection. In a plasma, characteristic spectral lines produced by electron transitions in excited states of specific ions exhibit a certain thermal broadening (Doppler broadening). By measuring the Doppler broadening and frequency shift of ion characteristic spectral lines, analysis of ion temperature and flow velocity can be achieved. The IDS diagnostic and automated data analysis system developed by Startorus Fusion can achieve measurements of plasma temperature distribution and flow velocity distribution without beam injection, providing centimeter-level spatial resolution and millisecond-level time resolution.
Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy (Spark OES)
Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy (Spark OES) involves placing detection electrodes in a vacuum chamber, applying high-voltage pulses to generate a spark that ablates the solid surface and creating a plasma. By collecting and analyzing the plasma spectrum, information on changes in the composition of the solid surface can be obtained, enabling real-time, in-situ diagnostics of the vacuum chamber surface. The technology serves as a complement to LIBS and offers advantages such as portability, freedom from window view angle restrictions, and independence from window transmission effects, making it a valuable tool for surface diagnostics.

Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy (Spark OES)

Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy (Spark OES) involves placing detection electrodes in a vacuum chamber, applying high-voltage pulses to generate a spark that ablates the solid surface and creating a plasma. By collecting and analyzing the plasma spectrum, information on changes in the composition of the solid surface can be obtained, enabling real-time, in-situ diagnostics of the vacuum chamber surface. The technology serves as a complement to LIBS and offers advantages such as portability, freedom from window view angle restrictions, and independence from window transmission effects, making it a valuable tool for surface diagnostics.
Electrostatic Probe Controllers
The electrostatic probe controller developed by Startorus Fusion is designed for Langmuir probe diagnostics in plasma experiments. It can provide bias excitation of up to ±200 V and 4 A, and is equipped with an arbitrary waveform generator. Users can adjust the form, frequency, offset, and amplitude of the excitation signal as needed. Additionally, the controller features functionality for isolating and detecting voltage and current signals from the probes.

Electrostatic Probe Controllers

The electrostatic probe controller developed by Startorus Fusion is designed for Langmuir probe diagnostics in plasma experiments. It can provide bias excitation of up to ±200 V and 4 A, and is equipped with an arbitrary waveform generator. Users can adjust the form, frequency, offset, and amplitude of the excitation signal as needed. Additionally, the controller features functionality for isolating and detecting voltage and current signals from the probes.
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Tel: 029-86041002
Company Address
Startorus Fusion,2-22,Northern Intelligent Manufacturing Park,Gaoling District, Xi'an,Shaanxi Province, China.
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